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Brother Michael Shigaba |
In his testimony, which I have published in my article, Michael Shigaba's Encounter with Jesus, he stated:
As we were coming [back to earth], Jesus now called the angel again. He said, "When you’re coming back, cover him with this end time message.” That is what I heard. I don’t know what He gave the angel. Immediately the angel collected it. How we found ourself in my bedroom, I cannot tell. Myself and the angel again, back to my bedroom. I was surprised. Do you know what happened? The angel said, “Look, look at the bed.” I looked at the bed. I saw myself again, lying down. And myself standing with the angel! He said, “That is your body. That is your house. You know, you have a house. You are free to go out and you are free to come out. You went out. Now enter.”
I was afraid. I said, “No.”
He smiled. He said, “Enter! That is your body.”
I looked at myself.
“It’s okay. You don’t know what you’re going to do. Just lie down, very close.”
I went and I laid down very close to the body, and I became one. Then I started feeling the heat, the hotness of this world of sin. Then I know that yes, it’s just like you are in the AC. And after some time you went out, feel the hotness.
That was 5:00AM, Friday, from Wednesday. The angel now asked, “Where is your CGS?”
I said, “That is the place I kept.”
He said, “Do you know this is the time you use to pray for morning prayer?” And yes, when I was alone, I used to have my morning prayer, 5:30AM. But when I married, my wife said, “No, let’s start at 5:00AM.” And that is exactly the time I came back to this world of woe.
We opened. The angel opened. He said, “Let’s sing hymn number twenty.” We sang together with the angel. He now said, “Lie down.” I laid down, and he said, “The Master said I should cover you with this end-time message. So I’m going to cover you.”
He now brought white cloth and covered me. I was covered with that white cloth. Then after that, the angel left. I don’t know how the angel disappeared from that place. I don’t know. He left.
Overseer: Before you were covered, were you inside your body?
Michael: Yes, I was already inside. I’ve already entered inside my body. Before the angel now asked me, he said, “Where is the CGS?” He left. Then, after the angel left, I saw myself covered with white cloth. I was afraid! I have to shift that cloth beside my bed. It was then that I was able to use my handset and call one of our brothers to come and pray for me. In that text, I told him that I was inside my house since Wednesday. Let him come and pray for me.
When the brother came, it was around 6:00. The brother came. He said, “Ah! Bro Mike, what is the problem?” that since Tuesday has been trying my line till Wednesday. And some time if he tried, it rang. Before they would say, it switch off. And then, when they were there, the angel and Jesus, anytime my phone rang, the angel would just off the handset. He said, “This is no time for you to receive a call,” before we left.
Overseer: Now, when you came back, you were dressed in your natural clothing? What happened to the dress you are wearing?
Michael: When I came back, in fact, the only thing is the cloth that the angel used to cover me and my knickers. The dress that I put on, for the journey, is…that brother that I called, he is the one that picked that dress from the floor with my shoes.
Overseer: …what you were wearing before.
Michael: Yes! But when I came back, I just found myself covered with the cloth and my short knickers.
Then when the brother came, he said, “Ah! What is (inaudible) [around 46:13]?”
I said, “Yes, heaven visited me…the sickness is for our own good, it’s for our help, it’s for the glory of God.”
Overseer: What happened to your knee? Do you know when you started with that? You were sick, you had a bad headache, and you knocked your head. So when you came back, no more pain like that.
Michael: Yes, no more pain. And when the angel was going, he said, “Do you know that Jesus has healed you?" before he left. But the leg is because of that while we were walking on that route, my leg became heavy, but the head, the pain disappeared. But these two legs I was not able to walk with it then. It was when the brother came and prayed over me that I was able to walk again. Then I now told the brother that I look at that cloth.
He said, “Ah! White cloth? How could?”
I said, “The angel covered—‘
He said, ‘Eh? He said a long journey; two days: a long journey.”
I said, “Yes.”
He said, “This cloth that you were—“ he was able to touch the cloth. He folded it with fear! And kept it somewhere. He prayed over me and then he was preparing to go to work. So he said when he comes back from work, he will hear better. Then he has called my single brother from the town to come down.
When the brother left, it was around 12:00PM that my brother came. When he entered, he said, “Ah! What is the problem? (inaudible [around 47:59]. …and before this now, we have been trying your line. It was no going.” He said it was (inaudible) that told him I am sick.
I said, “Yes, but Jesus has healed me already.” My mind still went to that cloth. I now told him that, “Check that cloth.”
He said, "Which cloth?” He looked at the wardrobe. He said, “Ah!” He was afraid. He said, “This cloth is not ordinary. Where did you get it?”
I said, “Yes, I traveled with Jesus.”
For him to touch that cloth, he was afraid. I said, “Just try to open it.” It was when he opened it that I noticed there is something—there is a writing there. Even myself, I didn’t know that there is a writing there.
He said, “This is blood?’ The brother started weeping. He said, “This is blood. How?”
I said, “No. Jesus said that is the end time message. Can you read it?” He read it. He said, “’Jesus is coming soon.’” He started weeping. He started weeping. He said, “How do you –-We can—How do you?— You can touch it?” And when we were coming back, Jesus said, “When you go back, tell the head of the church!" That is what Jesus said. "Tell the head of the church.” That is what He said before we came back with the angel.
I now folded it inside black nylon and I tie it. On Sunday, I went to the church. I met the pastor. I speak everything. He said, "Ahh!" The man was afraid. He was weeping! He said, “Ok, what is there on Monday, by the grace of God? I am going to pray for you so that the Spirit of God will remind you so that you will not forget. You will go and meet the overseer. I am not the head. Go and meet with the overseer. And I am going to try to call him that you are coming.”
On that Monday, I go the overseer’s office. He was not on site. And on Wednesday, as I was going back, the devil said, “Ah! There is no need for you to go and meet your overseer. In fact, you will not even meet him. That you have already told the pastor, ‘What is the need of you to go and tell your overseer?’” I said, “Ah! This is the voice of the devil. Is it not the pastor that said I should go and tell the overseer? I entered the vehicle. There is a place called the [inaudible around 50:49]. After we passed that place, the front tire of that vehicle busted. I said, “Whether you like it or not (the devil), I am going to deliver that message.”
Overseer: Was there any other message that you were supposed to give to the head of the church?
Michael: [Shaking his head, “No."] That was just [my testimony of the experience].
Michael: So before I went to the overseer’s place, that Sunday that I met the pastor, when I came back with that cloth, that I was going to the overseer’s next day, which is Monday, the cloth came out from that nylon. I tied the nylon, but it came out on its own. In fact, it was that time that I was afraid to handle the cloth. It was then that I went and bought a new brown envelope. I kept it.
Overseer: You put it in a black nylon before, and it came out on its own? Now you have a brown envelope where you keep it and nothing. How did you get the brown envelope?
Michael: Yes, sir… (inaudible)…I bought it.
Overseer: And you put the cloth inside the brown envelope.
Michael: Yes. And it is then that the cloth has been there.
[At this point in the video, the cloth is held up by two people who are standing behind it to display it.]
Watch Michael's Video Testimony.
The White Cloth with Its End Time Message
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White cloth from heaven with end time message in blood |
Since the cloth and the message written on it came from the Lord, and the message is about the Lord Himself, the message must be written in none other than His own precious blood. Dr. Ayodelle advised me that the church obtained forensic lab testing on the blood that is on the cloth and the results determined that it is not normal blood.
In brother Michael's testimony, he said that when he returned to his body and showed the cloth to people, they were afraid to touch it. They noted that it was no ordinary cloth and wondered where he got it. They wept when they saw it and read the writing upon it. This was true of the two brothers who came to Michael's home, as well as his pastor.
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The white cloth with the end time message |
1. The blood turned the cloth whiter along the edge of the written letters. It is not visible to the naked eye unless you zoom in to a high magnification level with the photo software.
2. The words were written at the bottom right corner as if they were the final words on a page. The implication is that there is nothing else left to happen before the Lord's return.
3. The letters of the very last word ("Soon") were on the very bottom edge of the cloth, even to the point of being written on the final row of thread. Again, it emphasized the finality of the time we are in right now, the lateness of the hour, and the nearness of His return.
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The word "soon" showing whitening |
I am personally convinced that this testimony is true, because it agrees with Scripture, there are witnesses, and we have the cloth to prove it, along with its urgent, end-time message written in human blood that is not normal.
Jesus is coming soon, and the church is late getting herself ready. There is no time left to put off getting ready. That is the most critical message from this entire testimony.
Repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. Prepare to meet your God!
Credits: All the praise and glory goes to Jesus for giving brother Michael Shigaba this encounter and its message. And I would like to thank my oldest daughter for the many days and hours she spent lovingly and painstakingly transcribing this entire testimony into writing, so that people all over the world can read it, who may not be able to understand brother Michael's English so clearly. This written version also provides a means for others to translate it into other languages, so that the maximum number of people may be impacted by it. I would like to thank my dear brother, Dr. Theophilus Ayodele, for informing me about this testimony and for mailing me a DVD copy of it all the way from Africa.
Author's note: Please prayerfully listen to this brother's testimony, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to him. For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.
You must take responsibility for your own actions. Nobody knows the day or the hour, and in no way am I date setting. This is only to provide you with information, so that you can make your own decisions, for which you will be accountable to God.
I recommend reading the full version of Michael Shigaba's Encounter with Jesus. I also encourage you to read The 311 Moment, The Day of Our Lord’s Wedding is at Hand, Rapture Revelation to Ayodelle Sawyerr, and Rapture Revelation to Angelica Zambrano. You may also visit our Signs of the Times Directory. You may access my complete blog directory at Writing for the Master.
Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus. Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?
“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15). He preached that we must repent and believe.
Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"
Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International. He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission. www.dmiworld.org.