
Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Coming Wrath of God

I would like to share with you a message from the Lord given by Lynn Veasley nearly two years ago. If you haven't already read my other articles about him, Urgent End Time Warning from the Lord and Lynn Veasley's Revelation of Hell, I would encourage you to do so. But today let's turn our attention to this compelling message from October 22, 2015.

Brother Lynn said, "On this morning, I was praying like I always do at four o'clock in the morning. And as I was praying I looked up and I saw four men in a high place dressed in white robes." These four men were elders from heaven who came to him in his home, and explained to him the things to come.

One of them said to him, "Man shall rewrite the Bible, not with ink, but with spirit. And it shall cause many to fall away."

Lynn saw a huge tidal wave came across the earth with a great wind. The elder who was speaking with him told him the water will cover the earth. This great flood was a flood of death like a tidal wave. The diseases, plagues, and other end time disasters were all coming like great waves.

"The diseases, plagues, and other end time disasters were all coming like great waves."

Then he saw the black plague come across the earth, and the man said to him, "It is the disease Ebola. It's going to mutate many times. Man is going to try to find a cure, and they will find a cure for a certain strain, but not the deadliest strain. And man is going to turn to him for the cure, but he's not going to give it to him." Ebola is going to be changed to another name, just as they did with H1N1. The diseases are already here, but not in full force.

"He saw the black plague come across the earth, and the man said to him, 'It is the disease Ebola.'"

There is also a man-eating disease that God told him about. He called it "moth." You breathe it in and it enters into your lungs and eats them up from the inside out. The symptoms are similar to pneumonia

"There is also a flesh-eating disease, which will mutate to the point where it can kill a person within 24 hours. If you touch anything that someone with the disease has touched, you will get it." God told him the disease is because of sin.

"Man is going to try and take control of men. Governments are going to try and control men. People are going to believe that man has power."

"Governments are going to try and control men."

"We have turned away from our God to man to support and feed us. Men have searched for all the natural things, and then they go to the synagogues and churches seeking for the natural blessings. Man wants the gifts but not the Giver. They desire all His gifts but not Him. They desire all His blessings, but not Him. We are heading for a fall that we cannot get up from."

"The Father is angry. He told Lynn to share this with everyone. The wrath of God is coming and no man on this earth will be able to hide from. But those that repent He will spare."

"The wrath of God is coming and no man on this earth will be able to hide from. But those that repent He will spare."

Man has forgotten that God is real. Lynn said, "Years ago Father had me to write to all these big ministries. When I did, some responded. But it was not a nice letter, because all they talked about was prosperity, and God was not pleased with it. I'm talking about natural prosperity. Who is seeking the Spirit of God? Man is seeking riches. Man is seeking money fame, fortune. The churches these days are a Fortune 500 company, and God is not pleased. All they talk about is what they're going to do for people, but you see nothing is done. How is it they've got multi-millions of dollars in the bank, but yet the members of the church themselves are broke, and poor, and homeless, and hungry, but have not been fed -- not just the natural food, but spiritual food of God. They're hungry for His Word, and all you can talk about are these natural, carnal things? And man takes it that God doesn't care. That's what it means when he said they will rewrite the Bible, because it will come from the heart, the Word. They rewrite it so that your spirit become cold to the Word of God."

"The churches these days are a Fortune 500 company, and God is not pleased." 

"God is a Spirit, He is not flesh. Man has turned away from God -- turned unto themselves. How is it that a country such as America makes sin a law? How is it that we accept it? But they cast away the laws of God and the principles of God. I'm not just talking about this country, I'm talking about many countries. The Word of God has become null and void to men. God's going to show up. He's going to let you know He's God. And the world is going to cry out so greatly. They will run to the rocks and say, 'Hide us from the wrath of God!' And they will not do it. They will dig holes thinking they can hide, but they will not get away. God will answer."

"Man has turned away from God -- turned unto themselves. How is it that a country such as America makes sin a law? How is it that we accept it? But they cast away the laws of God and the principles of God." 

"You say there is no God with your heart. Your mouth says there is, but your heart says not. God is going to answer. Here it is in the country that was founded on the Word of God -- on the principles of God, that you have allowed so much sin to come and to reign that you turn around and you make it a law. You say that every man has a right to the freedom of religion. Yet in Detroit, you have the largest satanic church ever."

"People, if God scattered the Israelites, what do you think He will do with Americans? The Israelites are His chosen people, the children of Abraham whom He loved greatly. And we were adopted through Christ. What makes you think that we will not be punished, that everything is ok, we can do whatever we want to, and God is ok with it? It doesn't work that way. We have idol worshipping. We have all manner of sin. It is an abomination before God. But yet we say, "God is alright. He loves us. He understands." Or "Forget it! He doesn't!"

"'Who will stand in these last days?' Father asked me. Who will stand for Him. He has His eyes on us. Who will stand? Will you stand? Will you stand for God no matter what? Will you stand for God even when the judgment comes upon this earth? Will you still stand for God. God will not forget those who stand for Him. God knows the heart. He knows the faith of man."

"What happened? We got so complacent, we got so comfortable, we got comfortable in sin, not righteousness. We just got so comfortable in ourselves. We make our own laws now. I'm talking about laws that go against God. I'm talking about laws of sin that cause man to sin. But yet we think that we're ok. But I'm telling you now it's not ok. Father is paying attention. He's got many across this country and across the world crying out right now, 'Repent!' You remember? His name was John and they called him the baptizer. He cried out before God came. Repent. My name is not John, but He does send those out before the wrath comes. And I am one of many that He has called to bring forth the word that He's angry and that His wrath is coming."

"I know you heard it many times that we reap what we sow. It's true! Prepare yourself. The disease is here. Prepare yourself. You won't be able to run from it -- not in sin. Don't you know that God has His righteous people, the very elect that He has called? Let me tell you something, we're in trouble on this earth. We have allowed sin to be something that is a part of our lives, something that is no big deal. 'God, it's just part of things. That's no biggie.' And God hears the prayers of those that are watching, those that are seeing sin corrupting the world. He hears those prayers. Father said He will not leave them to this corruption. He will not whip those that repent."

"It's something because we're in a country, even though we did not make the law, even though we are not part of the sin, but we put the blinders on our eyes, say nothing, speak nothing. Does that not make us partakers of the sin? We all are ambassadors of Christ. We all are supposed to speak up to what is going on."

"Father said to warn you of things to come. I will name a few things. There will be a nuclear war. Be afraid. Who should be able to stand. The beast will be loosed. When I say beast, it is the spirit that God has pressed and held down for so long that He allows to be loosed. See, satan is like a dog on a chain. He barks and he barks! He growls and he tears up anything that is close. But God is the One that holds that chain. But when His children have turned away from Him, it angers God. But see, these things have already been told. It's already been written and prophesied of. And Father lets go of that chain and lets satan do what he's going to do, which is the spirit of hatred. And the United States is hated so much that if anyone has an opportunity to destroy this country they would."

"There will be a nuclear war." 

"But the blessings of those who have cried out to God have been heard. And the prayers of the few have been heard. See, it doesn't take many. But the prayers of the righteous availeth much, the Scripture says."

"My point: When this nuclear warhead hits, the earth will never ever be the same. When the disease, earthquakes, all these 'natural disasters' -- [as] we call them, when they hit, the world will never be the same. Who will be able to stand, Father said. Is it time to be afraid? Yes. Our loved ones..."

"When this nuclear warhead hits, the earth will never ever be the same. When the disease, earthquakes, all these 'natural disasters' -- [as] we call them, when they hit, the world will never be the same. Who will be able to stand..."

"The world will never be the same. I was thinking there is, if I'm not mistaken, nearly six billion people on the earth. And Father said a third will die. A third! If there's six (billion), that means it's going to be two billion people worldwide. The disease will not stop until it runs its course. The radiation will not stop until it runs its course. And it's going to be in the atmosphere. Sick people all over the world! Who will be able to hide? Who? I know I don't have a bunker. These things are to come. The disease - you will be so afraid to touch a door, to go into a store, be afraid to touch the pump to put gas in your car, because whoever touches that, if they had the disease first, (then) if you touch it you catch the disease and you die in 24 hours."

"You know what? I looked it up. The disease is already here. Father said it was here. I looked it up, not to see whether he was telling the truth. I wanted to see where it was at. Father asked me, 'Who will be able to stand?' You know, I cry, and I cry, and I cry talking to Him. And I beg and plead, basically, 'Father, how can I get through to people that they will take heed to Your words?'"

"God is a forgiving God. And I know you run it through your mind, if you sit up there and say, 'Oh, God is too good for it to happen to us. We are believers. We are Christians. I know that it ain't going to happen to me. God ain't going to allow that to happen to me!" Ask the Israelites. They didn't think it would happen to them. They didn't think they would be scattered to the four corners of the earth -- that they'd be overthrown. God's Word will not come back to Him void. It will not."

"All I can say is 'God have mercy! Have mercy on us.' The reason why I say that is because everything He ever told me came to pass one hundred percent. And when your loved ones start passing away from this disease, and it's always rumors of wars and all that, but it's going to be loosed that one will shoot a bomb. And a nuclear warhead is worse than an atom bomb. It's a hundred times greater than the atom bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It's a hundred times greater! The atmosphere cannot take these bombs. The atmosphere will carry the radiation across the world, and the radiation sickness will cause disease even greater. The dead bodies are going to stack up that they cannot bury them."

"The atmosphere cannot take these bombs. The atmosphere will carry the radiation across the world, and the radiation sickness will cause disease even greater. The dead bodies are going to stack up that they cannot bury them."

"I'm Lynn, and I tell you the truth that God has told me. I beg you to please believe what I'm saying. Please believe me."

"Next time that I speak to you, I will tell you what the Father said. For I talk to Father every morning. He talks to me every morning. My relationship with Father is very valuable to me. What I share with you, please take heed! I'm going to share with you something next time that will help you. But right now I say one word: Repent! There's ugly coming. I wish I could express it enough. I can't! It's ugly! It's coming!"


Putting  it All Together
I know that was a difficult message for most people to hear, but we needed it. The Lord Jesus said, ”Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36, NIV). There is a reason why He commanded us to pray that we would be able to stand before Him and to escape all that is about to come to pass. As the Father asked Lynn, "Who will be able to stand?" Tough times are ahead for America and the rest of the world. Now is the time to get right with God and be praying the way Jesus instructed us to do in the above passage of Scripture.

We are in the 311 Moment! There's no time left to waste. Jesus came 2,000 years ago and proclaimed the year of the Lord's favor (Lk 4:18-19), and He did not mention the day of vengeance of our God, which is found in that passage from Isaiah 61:1-2, from which He read. But the year of God's favor is winding up and now comes the day of vengeance of our God. Get ready! The Lord Jesus is coming back, and He is coming to take revenge on all of His enemies.

"Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: 'See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.'” (Jude 1:14-15, NIV). Now is the time of punishment on the world.

Lynn's message agrees with what the Lord has been saying through many others, as I have written in Prophetic End Time Warnings from Little ChildrenAmerica’s Destruction is at Hand, Word of Warning for Americaand Wars and Rumors of Wars. Now that I have warned you, please take heed. If you have any doubts about this message, please take it to the Lord and ask Him to confirm it and speak to you.

Attribution notice: Most Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Other Scriptures from NIV where noted. Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Author's note: You must take responsibility for your own actions. Nobody knows the day or the hour, and in no way am I date setting. This is only to provide you with information, so that you can make your own decisions, for which you will be accountable to God.

I also encourage you to read Urgent End Time Warning from the Lord, Prophetic End Time Warnings from Little ChildrenGod Gives Little Girl Revelation of Christ's Return, America’s Destruction is at Hand, Word of Warning for America, Lynn Veasley's Revelation of HellRepent and Flee the Coming WrathGrieve and Lament for the ChurchRepentance That Leads to LifeRapture Revelation Given to Sister Claire AndounRapture Revelation to Angelica ZambranoRapture Revelation to James AgboolaRapture Revelation to Angelica Zambrano, Sequence of Signs Preceding the Coming of ChristPeace, Safety, and the Thief in the Night, and The Timing of the Rapture, as well as The Messiah Is Coming.  I also recommend my daughter's music video called The Coming. You may also visit our Signs of the Times Directory, and access my complete blog directory at Writing for the Master.

Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus.  Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?

“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15).  He preached that we must repent and believe.

Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.

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