
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Something is Going on in 2017

I have previously written articles like Something is Going on in 2012 and Something is Going on in 2013, which cover major signs of the times that were happening around the world during those two years. If you haven't seen the videos in those two articles, I highly recommend you do so. But what you are about to see is a current video montage from the Signs of the Times (SOTT) channel that will probably amaze you. It primarily shows events that have been happening throughout the world during September 2017, and it proves there has clearly been an acceleration of the signs. Both the magnitude and the frequency seem to have increased, so that what has happened just during the last month seems comparable to what previously would have happened over the course of an entire year!

In my recent articles called The Contractions Are Coming Closer Together and The Vegas Massacre Marks a New Chapter for America, I wrote only about the devastating tragedies that had happened here in the US during the period from August 30th to October 1st, and how they were a sign indicating that we are now closer than ever to Christ's return. Yet those events, such as Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Maria, and the Vegas Massacre were events on US soil only. However, in the following video, SOTT shows footage from around the world of events like these:

  • At least 74 wildfires raged in 8 Western US states, over a million acres were burnt. These were the deadliest wildfires in history. There were 31 dead and hundreds missing. In the Napa and Sonoma areas around 3,500 homes and businesses were destroyed. 
  • Wild fire on Gran Canaria burnt over 2,000 hectares.
  • Structures destroyed as nearly 100 bushfires burn across New South Wales Australia.
  • Australia shivers through record coldest start to September.
  • Strange sounds heard in Illinois sky.
  • Mysterious "trumpet" sound heard in Iranian sky. This phenomenon has been occurring since 2012 as I have written in Trumpet Sounds Heard Around the World.
  • Hurricane Irma becomes most powerful hurricane ever in the Atlantic, wreaks havoc in Florida and the Caribbean. 
  • Hurricane Maria reaches category 5, hits Dominica and Puerto Rico, causes island-wide power outages, as well as massive damage in Barbuda..
  • Hurricane Max hits Mexico.
  • Magnitude 8.1 earthquake in Mexico, strongest in a century kills 61.
  • Magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Mexico kills 369, destroys 380 buildings, damages thousands of others.
  • Damage caused by baseball-sized hail in North Carolina.
  • Golf ball-sized hail hits Split, Croatia.
  • Intense hail storm leave 50 centimeters of accumulation in Teruel, Spain.
  • Severe hail storm hits Hoedspruit, South Africa.
  • Two moons seen on giant asteroid as it passed between earth and our moon.
  • Huge landslide in India.
  • Severe downburst hits Santa Barbara, California.
  • Microburst hits Mendota, California.
  • 800 lightning bolts strike San Francisco, California in one day.
  • Rare "ball lightning" in New York.
  • Sinkholes opening up under homes and on highways around the world.
  • Fireballs lighting up skies over USA, Canada, Russia, Spain, Mauritius, Reunion Island, Netherlands, etc.
  • African floods kill 25 times more people than Hurricane Harvey.
  • Sun releases strongest solar flare in a decade.
  • Water spouts pop up all over Lake Erie, Michigan.
  • Water spouts appear on Oregon's coast.
  • Earth flowing like lava through a Tibetan valley.
  • Huge swarm of locusts devastate a large swath of farmland in southern Russia.
  • Hundreds evacuated as Trift Glacier collapses in Switzerland.
  • Flash flooding in Karachi, Pakistan.
  • 15 inches of rain in 4 hours triggers killer floods in Livorno, Italy.
  • Severe flood hits Zadar, Croatia after 11 inches of rain in 24 hours.
  • Tropical storm Maring floods metro area of Manila, Philippines. 
  • Huge floods hit Malaysia.
  • Severe flash flooding in Laos as dam under construction bursts.
  • Floods and sinkholes in Queretaro, Mexico after heavy rain.
  • Severe rain and flooding inundates Rize, Turkey
  • Landslide destroys freeway in Pueblo, Mexico.
  • Storm kills 3 people in Germany with hurricane-force winds.
  • Typhoon kills 4 in Vietnam, over 100,000 homes damaged.
  • Typhoon Talim causes flooding and landslides in Japan.
  • Intense wind suddenly hits Romania, 5 killed, dozens injured.
  • Enormous turtle found on Spanish beach.
  • Dead whale found on beach in Nakhodka, Russia, and the next day a dead whale found on Oslo Beach in South Africa.
  • Indonesia's Mount Sinabung spews massive plumes of ash 2.5 km into air.
  • Mexico's Popocatépetl volcano erupts, sending a cloud of vapor and ash 1.2 miles into the air.

While I have not listed these in chronological order, the video does show them in the order they actually happened, and provides dates for each one, which further adds to the significance of them when you see how closely to each other they all happened. Amazingly, all of these things happened during essentially the same period when the US was experiencing three major hurricanes, the tragic Vegas shooting, and the California wildfires. While these tragedies were probably enough to shake and overwhelm most Americans, they were only the tip of the iceberg in relation to all the other terrifying events happening across the world during the same time frame.

"I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." (Joel 2:30-31, NIV)

Putting it All Together
The signs you have seen in this video during the month of September are wonders in the heavens and on the earth. They are blood and fire and billows of smoke. If you can't understand from these signs that we stand on the brink of the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord, then I don't know what it will take for you to understand. It's obvious that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back very, very soon.

Meanwhile, the Church is astray doing things that God has commanded us not to do, and neglecting the things God has commanded us to do. The world has been allowed into the Church. The people of God have become comfortable in sin. God is not happy. Jesus is not happy. The Lord is angry, and He is letting the world know.

The message is still the same. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near. Jesus is coming back for His Bride, but He is coming only for the holy ones -- those who are without spot or wrinkle. He is not coming for those who are lukewarm or for those who have cast His Word behind their back. He is coming for those who keep God’s commands, hold fast their testimony about Jesus, and remain faithful to Him. Are you ready? Will you be found faithful? When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?

Attribution notice: Scriptures from NIV where noted. Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Author's note: You must take responsibility for your own actions. Nobody knows the day or the hour, and in no way am I date setting. This is only to provide you with information, so that you can make your own decisions, for which you will be accountable to God.

I also encourage you to read The Contractions Are Coming Closer Together, The Vegas Massacre Marks a New Chapter, Cosmic Rays Are IntensifyingUrgent End Time Warning from the LordThe Coming Wrath of GodProphetic End Time Warnings from Little ChildrenAmerica's Doom Punctuated by a BoomThe 311 MomentTrumpet Sounds Heard Around the World, Something is Going on in 2012, Something is Going on in 2013Repent and Flee the Coming WrathGrieve and Lament for the Church, Repentance That Leads to Life, God Gives Little Girl Revelation of Christ's Return, Rapture Revelation Given to Sister Claire AndounRapture Revelation to Angelica ZambranoRapture Revelation to James AgboolaRapture Revelation to Angelica Zambrano, Sequence of Signs Preceding the Coming of ChristPeace, Safety, and the Thief in the Night, and The Timing of the Rapture, as well as The Messiah Is Coming.  You may also visit our Signs of the Times Directory, and access my complete blog directory at Writing for the Master.

Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus.  Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?

“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15).  He preached that we must repent and believe.

Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.

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