Friday, September 22, 2017

Urgent End Time Warning from the Lord

I recently wrote about Lynn Veasley's Revelation of Hell, and now I would like to share with you his urgent, end time warning to anyone who will listen.

In this urgent warning, posted on June 7, 2016, he spoke prophetically about the things he heard from the Heavenly Father. The Father told him to share with everyone what's to come. He said:

"He's given us the opportunity of a lifetime to be able to make preparations. His wrath is coming. He told me to go and tell everyone that will listen that time is winding up. He told me over fifteen years ago of the disease and destruction that is coming to the United States and all around the world -- the nuclear bomb, the disease, the tidal wave, which is tsunamis, the earthquakes, and all these other things that are coming, the viruses. As there are so many, you can't just name them all."

"His wrath is coming. He told me to go and tell everyone that will listen that time is winding up. He told me...of the disease and destruction that is coming to the United States and all around the world -- the nuclear bomb, the disease, the tidal wave, which is tsunamis, the earthquakes, and all these other things that are coming, the viruses." 

"God is wonderful. He has so many disciples that He wakes just like me. And it was so refreshing to know that I was not the only one around that was saying the same one thing, and that was 'Repent, because His wrath is here.' Now Father is fixing to lift His hands off the nation, because of the blasphemy. They blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, and that's one thing He's not gonna tolerate. Father said, 'I will stand up and show them who is God.'"

"I know that we think and we believe that as long as we believe in God, we're good to go. But that's not the case. You must know God. God said, 'I will raise up a nation. I will raise up a people that will obey. They will be My people and I will be their God, meaning that we will have a relationship with God -- not seeking fame and fortune, not seeking the riches of this world, but seeking His face."

"Now we are either going to serve God or we're going to serve ourselves - man. We know that all these things we're seeing on television are not good, they're not right, because they've turned their back on God."

"I wanted to tell you in as humble and simple a way (as possible), where it won't be offensive, and where it won't run you off. In a way that will just be simple and easy, and there's just no way to do that. Repent! I had to [do so], everyone has to. You must repent. The way you're living is not going to be enough. If you have sin in your life, it's not going to be enough. If you think that you can just sit here and survive the things that are coming and wait it all out, that's not going to be enough. You can't do it."

"The funny thing I found out and I asked come we don't see the big time preachers preaching about repentance and about what's coming. He said that's because they have their own agenda. Father said, 'I will keep it simple, so I can reach the simple. The ones that have pride, I will not tell them, because they don't seek My face. They don't seek to know Me.'"

"So I asked Father, 'How can I do this? What can I say that will reach them.' He said 'Tell them they only have months. Tell them to get prepared. Tell them that they need to get out of the country.' He said, 'Get out of the way of destruction.'"

"He said, 'Tell them they only have months. Tell them to get prepared. Tell them that they need to get out of the country.' He said, 'Get out of the way of destruction.'"

"I'm like, 'Well, Father, that's a lot to put on someone in a few minutes.' Father said, 'Tell them.' When I go in the front and I talk to my Father, and the Spirit comes on me, He comes on me strongly. He takes over my tongue, my mind, my eyes, my ears. I hear, I see in the Spirit. I speak only the language of the Spirit. And by the time it's over with, I'm worn out. I'm torn down. But I must be obedient to what Father said. Father said, "Repent. Turn." Man is trying their best to act as though no matter what kind of sin it is, it's ok. They have cast the laws of God and thrown them in the trash and made their own law, which is sin. Father said, 'I can forgive all those sins, but this one I will not forgive...'"

"Father will forgive all things, except one thing, and that is blaspheming against the Holy Ghost. And this country and the world has done this. Because I thought it was for sin, so I said, 'Father, so can't you forgive them for their sins?' He said, 'Yes, I forgive all sins.' He said, 'That's not the reason the wrath is coming. That's not the reason why I'm pulling My hands off of the nation and let the earth receive what it's going to receive.' He said, 'Because they've blasphemed against My Spirit.'"

"See, you can't blaspheme if you never had or you've never known anything about it. But once you get the goodness of God and know the sweetness of His Spirit, and then turn and say there is nothing to it, you have blasphemed against God. And God said, 'I will not allow that! I will show My face. I will show man who I am, as I have done with Pharaoh. The world will know that I AM.' I dropped my head and I said, 'Father forgive me for questioning anything.' Father said, 'Receive My words from My prophets on this earth. For this is the time that will change forever. The earth will forever be different. It will forever be changed.' He said, 'Before it is over, over three billion people will die.'

Note: Lynn corrected this in another video and said that one third of the world population will die, and since there are about six billion people in the world, that means two billion people will die.

"Father said, 'Receive My words from My prophets on this earth. For this is the time that will change forever. The earth will forever be different. It will forever be changed.'" 

Lynn says, "I'm like, 'Father, why so many people? why so many people? Even a lot of Christians!' He said, 'The Church has turned its back on Me. The Church is not even standing up for Me.' I said, 'Father, are you angry?' He said, 'When you blaspheme against My Spirit, which I have blessed this nation greatly and made it the number one nation in this world, I will destroy it and make it the least. He said, 'They will suffer greatly. You say that you need not God? You say that you are God? You make your own law -- your law against Him? He said you will suffer greatly. No matter how this earth stands in sin, God has always blessed the righteous and the unrighteous. But Father said He will not tolerate this any more. He said, 'I lift My hands up.' And He said, 'The horsemen come.' And He said, 'The angel comes, and he will sound his trumpet. It is done.' He said, 'I have called many to preach the same thing that I have told you to tell and warn those (that are in their family, friends, everyone that you see) warn them of what's to come.' That's what Father said.

"And I've been warning people. And it hurts your heart to hear someone say, 'You think the government is going to allow this to happen? You think they're going to allow diseases? You think they're going to allow a bomb to happen in this country? You think the government is going to allow all these things?' Lord have mercy! Men think that man is God. God said, 'I will tear it all down -- government and all will fall.' Remember what I said: There's nothing that He ever told me that did not come to pass."

"God wants you to be saved. Listen to me! Repent. If you want to know anything, seek it out. Seek the answers. Look on Youtube. Look up a man named Benjamin Baruch. He has a relationship like I have with Father. And there's many others besides him that are saying the same thing: 'Leave the country.' So many have taken their family and left the country, getting out of the way, because He's going to destroy this country. It will never be the same! Never! And the world is going to rejoice, because great will it fall. Great is the fall of it! Get your passport. Make preparation to leave this country. Don't take the chance of saying, 'Oh, you're just being a radical,' and just blow it off. Don't do that. Why would I tell anyone to leave the country? Why would all of us tell anyone to leave the country unless God said so. We love this country, but we love God more. When God said, 'Move,' move."

"He called it an exodus. You will see it. There are many, many of God's people leaving this country. Some going north. Some going south. But they are getting out of this country. When this country falls, the graves won't be able to hold -- the massive graves -- they will pile up the bodies and they will be burning them. There's not enough."

"Listen, Father has a place for all those that He has told where to go to leave. And their family and their friends are going with them. They've already left, many have. But some are still saying the same thing I'm saying, crying out to their family, pleading and begging their family, so they won't be left behind. Why would God do that, when He's capable of keeping us in the country? Because He said, 'I would rather you be out of the way in a peaceful place, in a better place, than to be around the destruction itself.' He said, 'Those that believe will be safe, if they act on it. Those that do not believe will suffer.'"

"He said, 'I would rather you be out of the way in a peaceful place, in a better place, than to be around the destruction itself.' He said, 'Those that believe will be safe, if they act on it. Those that do not believe will suffer.'"

"This is the time -- today is the time that you believe or don't believe. This is the time that you be for real with God or be fake! There's no more playing church! There's no more, 'Ahh, I'm a believer of God,' and then you go on with your life about your business and don't even known nothing about it. Either you are going to have a relationship with God or you are not. This is the time...This is the end time. This is the time the prophets were talking about that in the latter times many shall depart from the faith, taking heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. What you see on television -- nothing but doctrines of devils, seducing spirits."

Near the end of the video Lynn says that we need to trust God and not man. We need to look around and see the fulfillment of the book of Revelation, the Bible, the prophecies are being fulfilled, and we need to see it with our own two eyes.

He said, "Stand for Jesus. I know this is a lot to say, 'Hey, tribulations are coming! The wrath of God is coming! Pick up and leave!' I know that sounds like a lot. But no more playing church! Either you're going to trust God for real or you're going to trust man."

He said we can make many excuses not to take heed to his warning. People may say, "I can't leave what I have. I've got a house." Lynn responds, "Sell it!" Or others may say, "I can't leave what I have. I've got a great job." Lynn replies, "God gave it to you. He'll bless you with another one." He urges, "We can find many, many reasons why not to believe. But I'm telling you, find the reason to believe. Look! Open your eyes! Look around! See what's going on around you! Know that the heart of many has waxed cold. Know that they have no love for you."

"What do you think is going to happen when hell breaks loose? What do you think's going to happen when God has lifted His hand and all hell is breaking loose -- when you've got the race riots, when you have the diseases, when you have a bomb go off in the country, radiation flying everywhere, when you have earthquakes, tidal waves (tsunamis)? What do you think -- that the government is going to come to your rescue? You can forget that one. I think you found out in New Orleans what happened on that one, and that was one city. We're talking about a nation that's going to drop -- a nation that's going to fall. You get it? Repent!"

"What do you think is going to happen when hell breaks loose? What do you think's going to happen when God has lifted His hand and all hell is breaking loose -- when you've got the race riots, when you have the diseases, when you have a bomb go off in the country, radiation flying everywhere, when you have earthquakes, tidal waves (tsunamis)? What do you think -- that the government is going to come to your rescue?"

He ends by saying, "May God bless you. May God keep you. Don't just take my word for it. Search it out. Look for it. Look for others saying the same thing. Don't count me out as being crazy. Don't count me out for being a radical. Don't count it out. I've never been wrong. That's the sad part, if you count me out. When it comes to Father, I've never been wrong. Get your passport. Whether you have your passport, I'll tell you another word: Repent! Repent. May God bless you. May He give you dreams and visions which He has already done with some of you. If you feel in your heart that something is wrong, it's because God was tugging at your heart and you know this is not going to stand anymore -- this beautiful place, this beautiful place called United States. It will never be the same. The earth will never be the same."

Amazingly this message that brother Lynn posted on Youtube in 2016 is the same as what the Lord has been speaking through little children recently as well, which I have written about in my article, Prophetic End Time Warnings from Little Children. I recommend checking it out.

Author's note: You must take responsibility for your own actions. Nobody knows the day or the hour, and in no way am I date setting. This is only to provide you with information, so that you can make your own decisions, for which you will be accountable to God.

I also encourage you to read Prophetic End Time Warnings from Little ChildrenGod Gives Little Girl Revelation of Christ's Return, The Coming Wrath of GodAmerica’s Destruction is at Hand, Word of Warning for AmericaRepent and Flee the Coming WrathGrieve and Lament for the ChurchRepentance That Leads to LifeRapture Revelation Given to Sister Claire AndounRapture Revelation to Angelica ZambranoRapture Revelation to James AgboolaRapture Revelation to Angelica Zambrano, Sequence of Signs Preceding the Coming of ChristPeace, Safety, and the Thief in the Night, and The Timing of the Rapture, as well as The Messiah Is Coming.  You may also visit our Signs of the Times Directory, and access my complete blog directory at Writing for the Master.

Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus.  Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?

“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15).  He preached that we must repent and believe.

Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.

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