As I have written in the past, the Roman Catholic Church is an occult religion, which I was once a devout member of. The pope is not the Holy Father, although he is called by that title. This is a man who openly promotes sin and evil, and participates in vile things.
Therefore, when I saw the pope on video conducting a ritual on Christmas Eve 2024 to open the first of five portals, I did not take that lightly. While it was a physical door he was opening, it was connected to a portal in the spirit realm, since this was a spiritual ritual. It was not just the usual, everyday type of opening a door that we all do, but one that was done in a spiritual ceremony, where the door was intended to symbolize something spiritual. Things in the physical realm are connected to things in the spiritual realm, and physical objects are used in spiritual rituals (both Christian and pagan) to represent things in the spiritual realm (see The Link Between Two Realms). Any portals that he was opening are certainly not portals to Heaven or the Kingdom of God. They are portals to the kingdom of darkness! So what could possibly go wrong, right?
I would also like to mention that one of the portals that he opened in this ritual that spanned several days had previously been dedicated by a prior pope to "the Mother of God", and was named as such. It's important to understand that this is connected with devotion to Mary, which is completely unbiblical, idolatrous, and demonic. While many Catholics participate in such devotion unwittingly, sincerely believing it is sacred, as I once did, they don't realize that this is completely contrary to Scripture and is evil in the sight of God. Satan and his demons are directly involved in this practice, as with all sinful practices, and receive such worship that people think they are giving to Mary. In essence, the enemy steals the worship that should have only ever been given to the one, true, Lord God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ.
Since the pope is recognized by people globally as their spiritual authority, they are lending credence to his actions and words. As of 2024, there are between 1.28 and 1.39 billion baptized Catholics worldwide. So over a billion people across the planet are putting their trust in Him as their leader, and that means a lot of people were standing in agreement with him during this pagan ritual, when he opened those portals, even though they naively thought he was doing something beneficial or sacred.
Only time will tell what the direct and indirect consequences are from his actions on Christmas Eve. It's not that I don't believe in portals. There are most definitely portals in the spirit realm. But there are portals to glory as well as portals to darkness. And with all the witchcraft in the church today -- both Protestant and Catholic, it's not unlikely at all that what were opened by the pope were the bad kind of portals.
This is one of those signs of the end times, and I want to point out a pattern of evil that I have seen taking place since the day after he opened those portals. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He has demons that cause accidents of all kinds, including car accidents and airplane crashes, as well as train wrecks, industrial accidents, and "natural" disasters.
Here is one particular pattern I have seen taking place since the portals were opened on Christmas Eve (additional ones listed in epilogue following my conclusion):
December 25, 2024 - Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8243 shot down by Russian missile, crashed near Aktu Airport, Khazakstan, 38 died, 29 injured.
December 29, 2024 - Jeju Air Flight 2216 crashed at Muan International Airport in Muan County, South Korea, 179 killed.
January 25, 2025 - An F-35A Lightning II aircraft crash occurred on Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. Pilot ejected safely.
January 30, 2025 – Jet airliner midair collision with Army helicopter over the Potomac River, DC, 67 dead.
January 31, 2025 – Air ambulance crash in Philadelphia, 7 dead, 19 injured.
February 7, 2025 – Plane crash in Alaska with 10 on board believed dead
February 12, 2025 – US Navy EA18-G Growler Jet Crash in San Diego bay, both pilots ejected safely.
February 17, 2025 – Delta plane crash lands upside down at Toronto International airport, 18 injured.
That's a total of 8 airplane crashes in just 7 weeks and 5 days (54 days). Eight crashes in nearly eight weeks is an average of one per week, or one accident every 6.75 days! And 301 people have died in these crashes. That's the pattern I have seen since the pope opened the portals.
I understand that there are lots of airplane accidents, but these were major ones that have all occurred in a nearly continuous string since Christmas Day, which was the biggest air crash of 2024. And by way of comparison, in 2023, there were no commercial jet crashes that ended with fatalities. Let that sink in for a moment.
All of these airplane accidents followed a nearly continuous string of UFO sightings around the world for the three preceding months in October, November, and December 2024. As I have written about in my article, Worldwide "Drone" Incursions, these unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP) were observed in 43 states, 19 foreign countries, one US district, and one US commonwealth. These things terrorized people for an extended period of three months.
Trump's Alibi for the "Drones"
While Trump was President-elect, he said the government surely must know what these "drones" are, and he vowed to find out and tell the public after taking office. Later as President, after his inauguration, he stated that most of the New Jersey sightings were authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to be flying for research and other purposes. I don't believe that.
First of all, it was shown that the FAA was not even able to see most of these drones on radar. If they were approved, they would be visible on radar, and the FAA would have told the military and police what was going on. But the military and police didn't know what was going on, and even the FBI and Homeland Security said they didn't know who was behind the drones. In fact, they even sent fighter jets and helicopters up to chase after them.
Secondly, while the FAA acknowledged these mysterious sightings, they claimed that the cause was unknown. I even listened to a recording of Air Traffic Control (ATC) transmissions with airline pilots over Oregon, regarding such sightings by pilots, in which the controller called them UFOs (U stands for "unidentified"). And ATC works for the FAA, so it would make no sense for them to speak like that if they knew what these were.
Thirdly, the only ones Trump referred to were those over New Jersey, but he never mentioned the other 42 states, 19 other countries, plus one US district and one commonwealth. I think there was a more nefarious purpose behind these UAPs.
Fourthly, if the FAA lied to the military, the police, the airline pilots, and the public during these sightings, and is now saying the sightings were authorized flights for research and other purposes, then they should be investigated and prosecuted for fraud and terrorizing the public and creating mayhem. Trump is normally one to hate corruption and fraud, and to go after it to root it out, so why did he give them a free pass?
The FAA is under the Department of Transportation (DOT), which at the time of these sightings was headed up by the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg. If the FAA authorized most of these drones, then surely Buttigieg should have known about it. Why isn't he under investigation for possible involvement in this?
Lastly, there should be ATC employees coming out to either confirm or deny Trump's claim that the FAA authorized most of these aerial vehicles. They would certainly know if the FAA had authorized them or not, and should be able to tell us whether that was true or not.
Closing Words
I say these are all signs of the times pointing to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ. He said that leading up to his return, there would be fearful events and great signs from heaven (Luke 21:11). It's time to repent, and get ready. Jesus is coming back right away, so you need to get your life right with Jesus right now. I hope this article has helped you to see that more clearly now, so that you will take action to ensure you don't get left behind in the seven year Great Tribulation, which will be like hell on earth.
The so-called AI fact checkers are now (after the fact) denying that the pope actually opened any spiritual portals on Christmas Eve, calling that a false, conspiracy theory that was spread widely on social media. However, it was not only reported on social media but in mainstream media, as well as Vatican News itself, saying that he was opening five "sacred portals". Any time you see "fact checkers", you can usually count on one fact, and that is that whatever they are saying is probably the opposite of the truth.
Additional crashes since this article was originally published include the following (note the dates):
February 10, 2025 - Two private jets collided midair at Scottsdale Airport, Arizona; 1 dead, 4 injured.
February 19, 2025 - Two small aircraft collided midair near an airport outside of Tucson, Arizona; 2 dead.
February 25, 2025- AirLink Medical Helicopter Crash in North Carolina, no fatalities.
February 26, 2025 – Private plane crashes into mountain in Manchester, Vermont, 2 injured, no fatalities.
March 9, 2025 - Small plane with 5 people aboard crashes near airport in southern Pennsylvania, no fatalities.
March 10, 2025- Medical helicopter crashes near Natchez Trace, Mississippi, 3 killed
Attribution Notice: Scriptures takes from the Holy Bible NIV, copyright Zondervan, used by permission. Images used according to Fair Use Act for educational and commentary purposes only.
Author's note: Worldwide "Drone" Incursions, Pope Frances Supports Homosexuality, The Truth About the Roman Catholic Church, The Link Between Two Realms, Woman has Vision of New Jerusalem - Jesus Coming Soon!, Noah and Lot Parallels with Rapture, Dreams and Visions: Tsunamis, Asteroids, Nuclear, Earthquakes, Chaos, Are You Rapture Ready?, Rapture Dreams: Jesus is Coming Soon!. You may also visit our Signs of the Times Directory, and access my complete blog directory at Writing for the Master.
Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus. Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?
“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15). He preached that we must repent and believe.
Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"
Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International. He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.
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