Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Antichrist

As I wrote in my previous article called The Rise of Antichrists, one of the signs of the times is that there have arisen many different antichrists in these last days. People like Hitler, Stalin, and others come to mind.

As the apostle John wrote: "Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour." (1 Jn 2:18, NIV).

John spoke of many antichrists having already come during the first century, but that "the Antichrist" was yet to come. It is specifically the final antichrist that I want to write about here in this post. The following is an account of dreams dating back to the 1990's that people from around the world have had about Barack Hussein Obama being the antichrist. Over 150 people responded to a Christian lady on You Tube who asked if anyone had dreamed about him.  I tried to evaluate the sources of these dreams and sought to weed out any that were not credible people.  The ones I included were from people who have confessed faith in Jesus Christ (except for the second one shown below).  Let’s review the dreams first, followed by my understanding at the end.  Due to the sheer number of them, I will include the first part of each one here, and the complete account for each one in separate posts. Here they are:

Teenage Girl in 1990's Names the Antichrist to be Elected in 2008
In the 1990’s, a teenage girl named Nicole had a dream, which she posted on Five Doves website on October 8, 2012.  She states: “In the dream I am walking to get out of my house to escape the mediocre lifestyle and be by myself.   All of a sudden a huge TIGER comes on my path to try to devour me.   And I am saying in the dream, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, DO NOT DEVOUR ME.   And then all of a sudden I am transported to the future.   I see the year 2008 and I see Obama get elected.  Continue reading.

Puppet Floats and People Worshiping Obama
In February 2008, a Christian man named Anthony had a dream about Obama, who was then a candidate for president.  His dream started with big floats like you see in parades.  Someone was pulling strings, making the floats walk.  He was amazed how they could do that and make these huge floats take steps.  Then the scene changed to an auditorium.  The stage was off to the right where Obama would be speaking.  Continue reading.

Barack Obama is Nothing More than an Idol; a Fake Person; a Marionette
In August 2008, a Christian lady named Sue had a vision. She has been serving the Lord since she was a child, and she is a 70-year-old mother of four married children, and has fourteen grandchildren ages one to twenty-one.  She had a vision, in which she saw the smiling face of Barack Obama, as well as a magician swinging his cape as though performing a magic trick. She also saw various animal faces like a pig, a fox, and a wolf. Continue reading.

Obama Wearing Egyptian Robe
Just before the election of 2008, a Christian man had a dream in which he saw that Obama would be president. In that dream, he saw Obama on inauguration day wearing an Egyptian robe and headpiece like a Pharaoh. Continue reading.

Obama was Standing Surrounded by Various Pagan Idols
One brother in Christ named Paul in California sent me an email saying: "I myself had an ominous dream about Obama shortly after he was elected in the year 2008. It was a very brief dream. It was a dark scene, and Obama was standing surrounded by various pagan idols.   And then he said, 'How wonderful is the power of evil.' The end of the dream. A very short dream."

Obama's Inauguration Day was Dark and Evil
In January 2009, a 48-year old person had a dream about Obama just before his inauguration.  This person wrote: “I had an Obama dream. It took place January 19, 2009, just before the Inauguration. It was strange, so I wrote it in my journal... Continue reading.

Obama Followers Looked Hypnotized
A Christian person who identifies himself or herself as warrior7forbattle wrote: “I had a dream about a month after he became president. I walked into what looked like a party. Obama and his wife were dancing and smiling and there was a spot light on them. Continue reading.

Obama May be America’s first Pharaoh
In April 2009, Tim Rifat explained on the radio that Obama may become America’s first Pharaoh. He raises the question of whether Obama could “be destined to become the second coming of Osiris, the Egyptian Sun God? Continue reading.

Obama Wanted Us To Pray To Him
In May 2009, our eight-year old daughter had a dream about Obama.  Here is her description: “I had a dream last night.  It was about Obama disguising himself.  And he wanted us to pray to him.  And we said, ‘No!’  Obama got so angry that he said he would be there with his men the next day and put us in prison.  And then he left.”  End of dream.  Today, eleven years later, she still remembers this dream.

Obama Called the New Tutankhamen of the World Implying He Would Be Worshiped as a god
In June 2009, Perry Stone issued a warning about the system of the Pharaohs of Egypt, and how the bondage of Egypt is coming to America.  After that, Obama went to the middle east to give his Israeli/ Palestinian speech and was called, there, the "NEW TUTANKHAMEN OF THE WORLD," which is after the Pharaoh of Egypt "King Tut," who was worshipped as a god.

When Obama went to Egypt on June 3, 2009, he toured the tombs in the pyramids.  While he was in there looking at mummies, an antiquities expert told him he looked like King Tut.  Obama immediately replied, “I’ve been told that.” (see video).

Man Who Didn't Trust Obama Drawn to Him in a Dream
In early to mid 2009, a Christian man named Robert wrote: I had a dream where Obama came to a fellowship gathering inside a BIBLE STUDY, then changed over to a picnic gathering of believers, where Obeast mingled while followed by some relaxed security men. I felt extremely drawn to him... Continue reading.

Obama Showed No Concern for Choking Kid 
Also in early to mid 2009, a young, dedicated Christian man named Nick had a dream where he was in his old elementary school.  Barack Obama walked into the classroom with his agents.  It was like a buffet with cupcakes and other food.  Continue reading.

Russia Attacking Northern California and Then Protesting to Obama 
A Christian lady had a dream about Obama. Initially in her first dream, she saw Russia attacking California. In her next dream she was in his oval office, standing right in front of his desk. She was there to protest saying, “I don’t agree with what you’re doing.”  Continue reading.

There Are Plans In Place To Put Obama’s Face On The Currency
On August 21, 2009, my own wife Jennifer took a nap, and afterward at lunch she told me about something strange that happened.  As she was lying there, not yet asleep, she suddenly heard a voice that sounded like a news broadcast say, “There are plans in place to put Obama’s face on the currency.” Continue reading.

Obama Sitting Before a Black Witch's Cauldron
In 2009, a Christian man had a dream in which he was in a hotel room with his girlfriend and Obama was there with them. He said they needed to get something at the front desk, so they went and got it.  The front desk gave them a big black cauldron like witches traditionally used.  They brought it to the room and placed it by the door.  Obama was sitting in a chair.  Continue reading.

“What can I do to win you over?"
In November 2009, a Christian lady, named Jackie, stated that she had two dreams of Obama.  She stated that in the first dream, she was in a classroom and Obama came in.  As he went to the chalkboard, he said, “I’m here to teach you something.”  Continue reading.

Obama, Magic, Fireballs, and War
In November 2009, a man had an Obama dream. He wrote: “It included him involved in sex magic, there were fireballs falling from the sky and what appeared to be moles planted under the ground awaiting a war on U.S. soil. I left the dream thinking ‘Obama,’ ‘magic,’ ‘fireballs,’ and ‘war’.”

Obama was chasing me trying to capture me
In November 2009, a 45-year-old Christian man named Charlie, who identifies himself as chas717, wrote:  “I had a dream that Obama was chasing me trying to capture me. I don't remember much in the dream.”

He Knew That I Knew What He Was
In November 2009, a 28-year-old Christian man named Chris wrote: “I had one disturbing dream where I was sitting on a bus of some sort and there was people seated on each side of the bus and it was a full bus, all the sudden Obama entered the bus..." Continue reading.

He is a Deceiver
In November 2009, a Christian lady, who identifies herself as supernova1800, wrote: “A long time ago I had a dream and cannot remember the dream but...The theme of the dream was that he was a ‘deceiver’ and being two-faced so to speak. I woke up with a warning feeling that he was a deceiver.”

Obama and Hitler Dreams on Consecutive Nights
In December 2009, a Christian lady had a dream of Obama.  Here is her account: “My first dream of Obama…it was a nice day, I was wearing a bridesmaid dress, dark-pink in color, & I was sitting by myself at a round table. I was ticked about something & Obama comes & sits at my table & starts trying to crack jokes. Continue reading.

Obama was Trying to Please Everyone
In January 2010, a Christian wrote: "I had a dream of Obama, in the dream he looks so sad. He was trying to please everyone and everyone around him. He came off nice but really, really stressed out."

Obama May Be The Antichrist And Will Be Worshiped
On January 11, 2010, a Christian man (user name dabu) prayed before bed and asked the Lord if He had any visions or dreams He wanted to show him.  Then he had a dream as soon as he fell asleep.  In the dream he and a woman were in a conference room. He was embracing a woman.  In recounting the dream, he indicated that he is single and does not know who this woman in the dream was.  The crowd was cheering for Barack Obama and holding up their index finger as if to indicate he is number one. Continue reading.

King Obama: Crown, Scepter, Satan Worship
On July 21, 2010, a Christian lady named Sue Love had a vision (described above). I was lying in bed to go to sleep and I was praying when I had a vision. I saw an image of Obama facing front and center with a crown on his head and a scepter in his hand and I heard, “King Obama.” Continue reading.

Half His Face Was Ripped Off
On October 24, 2010, a Christian lady named Sue Love (described above) had a vision.  She has been serving the Lord since she was a child, and she is a 70-year-old mother of four married children, and has fourteen grandchildren ages one to twenty-one. The Lord has been giving her dreams about Obama since mid-2006. Continue reading.

"Remove Habeas Corpus, Declare National State Of Emergency"
On November 6, 2010, a Christian lady named Sue Love (described above) had a vision.  In her blog post called Sphinx, she wrote: “I saw a statue of what looked like a lion lying down on the ground (in a sitting position) with his front legs stretched forward. The statue was in the west and it was facing east. Continue reading.

Christian Soldiers Executed
On November 14, 2010, a Christian lady named Sue Love (described above) wrote in her blog:  I lay in bed praying when I had a vision. THE VISION: I saw the face of a black man. The man was facing west. His face evolved into the face of Obama, and then Obama’s face evolved into several other faces of black men. Then, I saw an angry face of a man.. Continue reading.

"I Want His Crown"
On March 13, 2011, a sister named Sabrina from Belgium had a dream at 5:28 pm.  She wrote: I dreamed that I was laying down and downstairs in my house there were some people talking and one of the people was Obama and he said, “I WANT HIS CROWN,” the sound coming from him was very loud and he said it with anger, then I woke up. This seems to refer to the antichrist wanting Christ's crown.

Antichrist is Finally Revealed
It seems the antichrist wants more than just Christ's crown. He also wants the people's wealth and assets. On April 13, 2012, a Youtube poster going by the name pastor JC posted a video called Antichrist is Finally Revealed. He stated: “I give you the truth about who the antichrist is." Continue reading.

Identity of the Beast Revealed Supernaturally
On June 13, 2012, Raul D posted a comment called "Identity of the Beast of Revelation revealed supernaturally."  In it he wrote the following: Before I begin with the identity of the beast, I want you to understand the gift that my daughter has. Continue reading.

Obama Is The First Beast, And Pope Francis The Second Beast
On November 9, 2013, I read that Jesus took Brother Elvi Zapata to the tribulation, in the spirit. It was revealed to Elvi that Barack Obama is the first beast, and Pope Francis the second beast, which is the false prophet (see Revelation 13:15-17). Continue reading

"Obama Is Not A Human Being He’s A Demon."
June 2013, the Lord Jesus visited a tender, fourteen year-old Nigerian boy named Samuel Oghenetega.  He gave him many revelations and even showed him hell.  One of the revelations the Lord spoke to him was about Barack Obama.  Continue reading.

“And I beheld satan…Barack Obama fall down from heaven.”
On November 26, 2013, a Christian lady calling herself kingdomliving771 on YouTube woke up hearing this: “And I beheld satan…Barack Obama fall down from heaven.”  She asked God why she heard that, and she felt that it was because the antichrist is about to be revealed to the world very soon.

Obama as Menorah Candle Lighting Entire World
Tablet Mag reported the following in an article titled: Why Israel’s President Talks To Obama, But Not To Netanyahu, regarding a statement that Israeli President Reuven Rivlin made to Obama at the White House in December 2015: "In the spirit of Hannukah, Rivlin went so far as to tell Obama and the press about the role of  the shamash (attendant) candle on the menorah and to compare the American president to that candle, which lights all the rest and 'shows the way, the right way, to your people and to the entire world.'" In saying this, Rivlin called Obama the light of the world that shows all mankind the right way. However, since Jesus is the Light of the world, it is the spirit of the antichrist to refer to Obama as such (1 Jn 4:3).

Obama Assumes Leadership After Assassination of Trump
A pastor in Australia recorded a dream he had at 2:20 AM Australia time on November 9, 2016, the day that Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. He said: "This morning at 2:20 I woke up shaking quite a bit. It was a dream that I woke up with. And in the dream I saw someone taking a gun and shooting. There was gunfire. This really disturbed me, and I woke up with the question, 'What's that, Lord?' And I had the words flash right in front of my eyes: 'Assassination plot on Donald Trump in the Oval Office.'" Continue reading.

Obama Turned into a Demon
On July 28, 2017, I received an email from Gino V, who had just returned to Australia from a missions trip to Romania. He said, "I didn't have many dreams while I was over there, but I had one dream where Obama was a very charming type of person and then he turned into a demon. I wasn't interested in thinking about the subject, so I was a bit surprised."

Barack Obama Is The Antichrist Beast!
On September 9, 2017, an Australian brother named Christopher Harris shared on his Youtube channel the dreams he and his close friend received recently about the coming antichrist, Barack Obama. Several of his viewers commented on similar, confirming dreams of their own that they had. Continue reading.

Obama Visits Seat of Satan in Berlin for Tenth Time
On April 5, 2019, Obama made his tenth trip to Berlin since before he became president. He visited with Chancellor Angela Merkel and on April 6, 2019 he made yet another visit to the seat of satan located at the Pergamum Museum there. Continue reading.

Obama Says, "I'll be in my house again soon."
A young lady received two dreams confirming that Obama is the antichrist. The first one was on September 8th, and the second one was on December 16th, 2022. In the following video, she says he gave her a demonic-looking smile and said, "I'll be in my house again soon," referring to the White House. Continue reading.

Little Girl Sees Crowned Obama on the Antichrist Throne
A little girl had a vision given to her by the Lord, in which she saw the rapture, heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, the marriage supper of the Lamb, and the Great Tribulation. The Lord also showed her the antichrist, which she knew was Barack Obama. He was seated on a red-and-gold colored throne, wearing a red-and-gold crown. She said, "Then I saw a man walking in. He he was definitely the Antichrist, because he came and he sat on the throne." Continue reading

Closing Words
As I mentioned in my introduction, I excluded the dreams recorded by people who did not appear to be genuine disciples of Christ (with one exception).  It is clear that these dreams were very consistent.  The consistent message was that he portrays himself as a great teacher, but is a deceiver and a seducer who wants people to like him so that they can do what he wants.  The dreams clearly indicated that he is of the darkness, not the Light.  He is nothing more than an idol; a fake person; a marionette. He hypnotizes people, and they follow him with adoration, just as they did Hitler.  Yet he will bring terror and destruction to America that will horrify people. Unfortunately people are now more receptive to the messages of the antichrist than messages of God through His servants. Therefore, it will be their own undoing.

We know there are many indications that the bondage of Egypt is coming to America.  History records that the pharaohs taxed the people heavily, put a heavy yoke upon the people’s shoulders, enslaved them, and exercised their power with absolute control.

The apostle Paul taught that a man of lawlessness would come in the last days before Christ’s return.  He said, “At the proper time, then, the Wicked One will appear.” (2 Thes 2:6).  We are not sure if Obama is the wicked one Paul wrote about prophetically.  But there is certainly a large body of evidence that supports that notion.  At this point, all we can do is watch and pray and warn others to do the same.

Paul went on to say that this man would exercise supernatural power.  “The Wicked One will come with the power of Satan and perform all kinds of false miracles and wonders, and use every kind of wicked deceit on those who will perish. They will perish because they did not welcome and love the truth so as to be saved.” (2Th 2:9-10).  This also came up numerous times in the dreams.  There were references to witchcraft, occult activity, fireballs, and sex magic.

Whatever miracles and wonders this man will perform, we know that they will be wicked and result in deception among those who will perish.  That’s because they do not love the truth, so the Lord sends them a strong delusion.  As Paul puts it: “For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.” (2Th 2:11-12)

Be on the alert! Let’s not be deceived like the masses.  And let’s pray that the Lord exposes everything that is of darkness in our government leaders.  Pray the Lord will bring conviction for sin among our leaders and lead them to repentance. Pray that the Truth would reign upon the earth.

Attribution notice: Most Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible NIV, copyright Zondervan, used by permission. 

Author's note:  You must take responsibility for your own actions. This is only to provide you with information, so that you can make your own decisions, for which you will be accountable to God.

I also recommend reading The Rise of AntichristsThe Seven Seals Being Opened in Real TimePope Frances Supports HomosexualityPope Establishes One World ReligionThe 311 Moment, The Mark of the Beast - 666Dreams and Visions: Tsunamis, Asteroids, Nuclear, Earthquakes, ChaosRapture Revelation to Ayodelle Sawyerr, and Rapture Revelation to Angelica Zambrano. You may also visit our Signs of the Times Directory. You may access my complete blog directory at Writing for the Master.

Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus.  Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?

“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15).  He preached that we must repent and believe.

Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission. www.dmiworld.org. 

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